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Other Helpful Services

Need Urgent Help?

Sometimes you may need help around the clock, which regular counselling sessions cannot provide. It is useful to have resources to support you during these times. This is why I have included some other services that clients have found useful when their time of need has been ‘out of hours’.


Text Services 

Shout Text - 85258 (24/7)

Papyrus - 0800 068 41 41 or text help to 81066 (open 9-midnight every day)


Call Services 

Child Line - 0800 1111

Samaritans  - 116 123 (24/7)
Call 111 if you are in Crisis 
Safe line general helpline - 0808 800 5008 (For anyone effected by rape or childhood sexual abuse)
Five million  men helpline - 0808 800 5005  (Dedicated to men effected by rape or childhood sexual abuse)

Trans and non binary support - 01273 204050
Mind legal Line 03004666463 (provides legal information around mental health law)

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